By : Rasid Rachman
We just made biopore-hole at home. Biopore-hole is a trying to make soil fertile by digging a ten centimetre middle line of hole. People make biopore-holes on land or in garden around habitat or city garden. You could make the distance among one hole to another each 100 centimetre. The aim of making biopore-hole is to loosen soil in order that rain-water could easily get into soil. Yes, this is about environment.
We are concerning to the flood problem around Jakarta nowadays and nature damage, we are concerning to recycle the organic rubbish to be a compost, and we are gardening as well. We are satisfied that from our small house and small garden could make ourselves involve in green campaign.

We are really aware with the benefit of biopore. That’s why we encourage digging some holes. Not only my wife and I, but our mother employee also love drill some new holes by our biopore-drill. She even has finished more holes than we have had. After finished one hundred centimetre of biopore-hole, we put one small chamber plantation at top of the hole to just in case nobody accident.
The biopore-hole are contented by us with organic rubbish every day. After three weeks, the rubbish will become compost. You could use compost to fertilize your plantation. Some other people even create compost to be their rice-winner. We get some benefits of biopore-holes, such as decrease rubbish from our kitchen, green environment, fertilizer soil, and hopefully no more flooding. ®
The biopore-hole are contented by us with organic rubbish every day. After three weeks, the rubbish will become compost. You could use compost to fertilize your plantation. Some other people even create compost to be their rice-winner. We get some benefits of biopore-holes, such as decrease rubbish from our kitchen, green environment, fertilizer soil, and hopefully no more flooding. ®
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